PinnedPublished inDev GeniusPragmatic Observability[1]: Distributed Tracing with Jaeger and Springboot 3 in KotlinEmbarking on the journey of mastering new technologies is a challenging endeavor, further compounded by the task of seamlessly integrating…Sep 1, 2023Sep 1, 2023
Published inDev GeniusMy Kafka message takes ages to complete processing. What should I do?In Kafka, the number of partitions is the level of parallelism. If you are using Kafka consumer, you could have 1 consumer per partition…Apr 12, 2024Apr 12, 2024
Pragmatic Observability [3]: Simple Start to export Springboot Application Metrics with Grafana and…This guide is meant to give you a simple start to export the default Prometheus metrics and build a Grafana dashboard.Mar 18, 2024Mar 18, 2024
Published inDev GeniusPragmatic Observability [2]: A Deeper Look into SpringBoot-Micrometer IntegrationRestTemplateSep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
The Configurations You Should Not Miss in WMWare WorkstationThere are 2 important configurations you should not miss out in WMWare WorkstationAug 22, 2023Aug 22, 2023
Creating Temporary Directory for Unit Test with SpringReplacing a value in the spring context is possible, but how can we intercept the creation of beans and pass in the replaced value? This…Aug 12, 2023Aug 12, 2023
4 Expiriments on @SpringBootTest context sharingI faced a problem in my relatively new project which the Test Spring Context failed to share across different integration tests. I have an…Aug 12, 2023Aug 12, 2023