Getting an encrypted Jasypt password in SpringBoot without Plugin

Vincent Li
1 min readSep 15, 2023



I was exploring ulisesbocchio/jasypt-spring-boot: Jasypt integration for Spring boot ( to encrypt a password only for the dev environment.

To decrypt the password from the application.yaml is straightforward.

  1. Add the dependency.
dependencies {

2. Annotate the application

It’s recommended to store the password in a separate file, I store in yaml for convenience because I use cloud solution on higher environments

@PropertySource(name="EncryptedProperties", value = ["classpath:application-local.yaml"])
class MongoSpringbootApplication

3. application-local.yaml

password: ${password}
encrypted-password: ENC(encrypted-password)


There are several ways you could encrypt your password

  1. Online Tool (Risk of exposing your plain-text password. Blocked by my organization)
  2. Maven Plugin
  3. Quick-and-Dirty-Debugging way

If you did not customize Jasypt in SpringBoot, it is using DefaultLazyEncryptor for decryption.

public class DefaultLazyEncryptor implements StringEncryptor {


/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String encrypt(final String message) {
return singleton.get().encrypt(message);

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String decrypt(final String encryptedMessage) {
return singleton.get().decrypt(encryptedMessage);

Place a debugger at L73. Press Alt+F8 to get the Encrytor instance and invoke the encrypt method.

Hope this provide another idea to get an encrypted text quickly.



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